Thursday, January 25, 2018

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A blog, recycled.

 So, I haven't posted for awhile. It just was becoming too much for me & I didn't feel like I actually had anything interesting to talk about anymore. However, I am starting up again, only this time, I will only post once a week instead of every week day. That way each post can actually have some kind of content & I'm not overwhelmed. Sound good? Okay, let's get into it then! :)

So, a couple of weeks ago I came home from Europe. I went to London, Paris, & Rome. It was easily the most amazing experience of my life.

I could talk about this trip for months without running out of stories, but I won't. So I will just tell you that I had the time of my life! I had so much fun that I'm already planning my next trip... More info on that later ;)

On a much more boring note, I started school this week. Not a lot to report quite yet, but I thought I would let you know!