Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fall is coming!

{Black Tee & earrings: Target, Cardigan & Necklace: Thrifted, Bracelet: Street fair, Jeans: True Religion, Boots: Ruche}
The title of this post may be deceiving, because it has been unbelievably hot, but we had a rainy day yesterday, so I wore my comfy cardigan & my tall boots to embrace the fact that I wouldn't sweat my bum off by doing so. 
But, {there's a lot of "big butts" in this post. Hahaha, I'm punny. ;) } fall is indeed coming! Maybe not as quickly as I'd like, but it is, & that's all I need to be satisfied. :)
p.s. If you weren't brought here from it, check out my post at & while you're there be sure to look at the other girls' posts, too! 

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