Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Self Timer

{Button down: F21, Jeggings: Heavenly Couture, Sandals: American Eagle}

So, first of all: these pictures are terrible. I put the timer on in my living room & they just didn't turn out good at all {& that second picture is the blurriest thing I've ever seen!}, but I really wanted to do an outfit post today, so I thought "what the heck?" & pressed the timer button. Anywhooo, another funny thing about these pictures: I'm not wearing any jewelry! I have yet to unpack my jewelry & have been totally bling-less since Thursday. It's probably the biggest bummer of all time, but tonight I am doing some serious unpacking/organizing because I just can't live out of boxes anymore!

So about the outfit, I have actually worn this outfit before {I know, fashion no no} but I didn't do an outfit post about it, I just have some pictures in it {See here}. These are my first pair of jeggings & I was always sooo against them, I thought they were dumb & ugly. Now I think differently. Ha. I really like the denim color of the shirt & how it kind of switches the look around {as you would normally wear a black cotton shirt & denim jeans, see what I'm saying?}. It's super comfortable & casual, but is appropriate for plenty of different occasions.

Now, I did take one other picture that I edited a little bit & I can't decide if it's creepy or cool. You decide:

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