Thursday, June 14, 2012

What my teens have taught me {so far}..

So, there was a whole group of women that I saw on Story of my Life that all made a post about what they've learned in their twenties so far. I was inspired & I wanted to do my own. Since my birthday just passed & I turned 19, leaving just one short year left of my teenage life, I thought I would share what these years have taught me, because they have definitely taught me so much.

Be nice to everyone.
After being in high school for 4 years & in those 4 years being sent to the principal's office for "bullying" 3 times, you learn a little bit about how to treat people & how to present yourself. Now, I wouldn't consider myself or my friends from high school bullies, but we presented ourselves in a way that could be taken as intimidating. I just kind of can't believe that it has taken me this long to realize that no matter what, no matter who, no matter when, just be nice, be kind, be thoughtful & considerate. It will make you & whoever you're talking to feel better at that time & later.

I'm still working on this one, I love to smile, but I guess when I walk around, even if I'm perfectly happy I have this "look" on my face. People tell me a lot that I look mad, so sometimes I have to stop & think about how my face is & try to soften it. Haha, but smile at strangers & people you pass, seriously, it makes things so much nicer.

No matter what you think, you will get over "him".
You know, "him". That guy you've had floating in the back of your mind for what seems like forever, after he broke your heart, you think there won't ever be anyone else. Maybe there's just one of "him" or maybe there are a few. But what I can guarantee you that no matter how much you think you won't get over it, you will.

Always, always, always say thank you.
I learned this once when I worked all day long slaving away for somebody {they'll remain unnamed} & doing everything in my power that I could to make them happy when they came home & they noticed, & I'm sure that they were grateful, but they didn't say thank you to me. It was okay, I guess, I mean I knew they were grateful & happy that I had helped them, but they didn't show it very well & didn't say it at all. It upset me a little bit & ever since then I have made sure to always say thank you. I feel like I say it too much sometimes, but I think it is way better to say it too much than too little.

Dress to impress.
I don't think it's a secret that I love clothes, fashion, & dressing up. But even if stuff like that is not important to you, it's vital that you dress to impress every day. I remember a friend told me once "dress every day like you're going to see your ex", I think this is so funny, but true! Especially because for most of us there is always a possibility of that happening! But really, I feel like it's important to dress nicely everyday. It helps people take you seriously with whatever you're doing.

You're much prettier & much smarter than you think.
Now, I hate when people say stuff like this to me, but it really is true. You are your own biggest critic & you should realize that when you're criticizing yourself about anything. Don't ever sell yourself short or think less of yourself for whatever reason.

Always try your hardest.
This one is kind of a given, & you've learned it from a young age, but I really have learned lately that I need to always try my hardest. Not just sometimes. Because in the "real" world, that I have just recently began to embark upon, trying hard only sometimes just won't cut it.

You're going to make mistakes, & it is okay that you make them, but you have to fix them.
Everyone has always said to me, ever since I was little, that it's okay to make mistakes, you're only human. Which is very true, & they tell you that you can learn from mistakes. Also true, but you have to fix the mistake. You can't just leave it & move on to the next thing. Whether fixing it is actually fixing the problem that was created or {if it's too late} apologizing sincerely to whomever the mistake effected, you've got to fix it. I hope this one makes sense.

More to come shortly...

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