Monday, August 6, 2012

First day of school

First day of school

Well, today is my first day of classes. I am determined to do well with these classes! I am going to be more busy than I think I ever have been with 2 regular jobs & a weekly side job. It will be hard, but it will be so sooo worth it.

I'm taking online classes this semester while living at home {saving money all around here} & they are separated into 8 week portions so I will take 12 credits {4 classes, 3 credits each} within the semester, but for the first 8 weeks I will be taking Spanish 1 & College 101 {Which is a class the university requires for online students} & the last 8 weeks I will be taking History 101 & English 101. I think it will be kind of nice to do it like that in 8 week portions because I won't get sick of the class. There won't be any time to!

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