Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I have a kitchen now

Which means I can make delicious treats like these for breakfast! Being out of the dorms is sooo nice. It is taking some getting used to, though. I'm going to have to figure out this whole grocery shopping thing.

Now, I'm no cook, but I really want to try to be something that kind of resembles one now that I have a kitchen & can experiment with stuff & have fun! {Don't worry, I'll be careful}
Today I made some strawberry mango pancakes, now I would post this like a recipe as any fancy blog would do, however, this was too easy & had too few ingredients to do that. {Plus, I'm super lazy}

Basically I just took pancake mix, put water, strawberries & mangos in it, stirred it up & threw it on the pan. Ta da! You got delicious pancakes. :)

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I love it, simple yet tastey! These actually sound like they are quite delightful and I just may have to give this recipe a try! Congrats on your new kitchen!

    XO Kelley
