Monday, July 30, 2012

Miss Pahrump 2012

So, my beautiful, beautiful, beautiful cousin, Sabrina, won the 2012 Miss Pahrump Pageant this past Saturday! She did AMAZING! She is only 13 & this was her first pageant ever & she nailed it.

Production Number
Talent {Sabrina's "Nerd" HipHop dance}
The Crowning
Me & the Queen!
Isn't she just GORGEOUS?! Gosh. So pretty. Anywhoo, all of these pictures were taken by her mom/my aunt Judy. I am so proud of my Teeny Weeny Sabreeny & her court, Emily & Melanie. :)

P.S. I know I haven't been posting much, but I will be putting up some videos & pictures from Oregon soon & we'll go from there :)

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