Friday, May 11, 2012

Summer nights

{Shirt dress: Thrifted, Belt: JC Penny, Leggings: Wal Mart, Sandals: American Eagle, Earrings: Urban Outfitters, Necklace: Kohl's, Bracelet: Thrifted}

guys! it's summer!!!

I'm so psyched that it's summer. School was stressin' me out! So happy it's over for awhile. I am working now, as you saw in my last post. It's a lot different from any job I've ever had because it's an office job & I've only worked in restaurants, so I'm adapting to all the "sitting" rather than running around wiping down tables & stuff. 

I like it more, I think.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

This is what happens when you're bored at work...

You take a bunch of pointless pictures & make a blog post about it. :P

But really, tomorrow I'm working a double, so I will be bored 2 times as much. You should leave me comments to make it less boring! :D

I mean... I probably should be working while I'm at work, right? Hmm...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I have a kitchen now

Which means I can make delicious treats like these for breakfast! Being out of the dorms is sooo nice. It is taking some getting used to, though. I'm going to have to figure out this whole grocery shopping thing.

Now, I'm no cook, but I really want to try to be something that kind of resembles one now that I have a kitchen & can experiment with stuff & have fun! {Don't worry, I'll be careful}
Today I made some strawberry mango pancakes, now I would post this like a recipe as any fancy blog would do, however, this was too easy & had too few ingredients to do that. {Plus, I'm super lazy}

Basically I just took pancake mix, put water, strawberries & mangos in it, stirred it up & threw it on the pan. Ta da! You got delicious pancakes. :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

On decorating my room

SO, as I have said many times, I am in the middle of moving. & while I have already moved in all of  my things, I haven't started decorating it yet. So, I put together an idea-board-type-thing. Tell me whatchya think! :)Blush
As you can see, I'm doing a bit of a blush pink color & black. :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Just a little style post...

So, I am still in the midst of moving AND I am sick...again, so it has been a super crazy weekend. But I feel bad for abandoning my blog for so long, so here's a little style post that I hope you enjoy. & for those who only come on here when I post it on facebook, I haven't had my facebook for almost a month, so go in the history & check out what posts you've missed! :)

In Cedar City, the weather is ridiculously bipolar, so you need pieces that you can easily make into an outfit for colder weather --- even in the summer. So, I thought I would make one outfit that would be perfect for a Cedar City summer day/night by adding just a couple extra pieces.

Depending on how cold it is should decide if you add the boots or not, because those LC heels would be dang cute with those skinny jeans. Juss' sayin' ;)