Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fall is coming!

{Black Tee & earrings: Target, Cardigan & Necklace: Thrifted, Bracelet: Street fair, Jeans: True Religion, Boots: Ruche}
The title of this post may be deceiving, because it has been unbelievably hot, but we had a rainy day yesterday, so I wore my comfy cardigan & my tall boots to embrace the fact that I wouldn't sweat my bum off by doing so. 
But, {there's a lot of "big butts" in this post. Hahaha, I'm punny. ;) } fall is indeed coming! Maybe not as quickly as I'd like, but it is, & that's all I need to be satisfied. :)
p.s. If you weren't brought here from it, check out my post at & while you're there be sure to look at the other girls' posts, too! 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy Friday!

So, I just found these pictures from a couple weeks ago of Jill trying to eat Millie & Millie reciprocating. Hahaha

Happy Friday! :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Look! It's a recipe

Add all seasonings to scallops in a mixing bowl. Toss until seasonings are mixed through.

Put the mixture in a large, non-stick skillet & cook on high for about 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
 {about 10 minutes if scallops are frozen}

About half way through cooking, sprinkle bits of cilantro & squeeze a lime slice into mixture.

Serve up, sprinkle lots of cilantro & squeeze lots of lime juice onto it, 
& I added a bit more cayenne pepper, I like it spicy,
& enjoy. :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

You've Seen It...

You've seen it on the runway, you've seen it in the ads. Here's a little guide to show you how you can get it without paying a fortune! All the pieces I've found are under $50! 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fitness & Health

So, I have been really trying to get to the gym every day & {because I am human...not the olympian kind} I've been having a bit of trouble. Just because I've been really busy or tired. The typical excuses. I just discovered this adorable neon green duffel bag in my garage that I'm going to use as my gym bag & I'm going to be filling it up with all kinds of gym goodies & keep it in my car always. That way, I never have an excuse to not go. 

When I was a junior in high school, we could just say that I was a heavy-lifter {I was a freakin' beast, there is no denying it}. I would max out when I would lift weights rather than do more reps with lighter weights. This is not a bad thing, but it's what built all the muscle that is underneath my layer of flub. I'm not trying to put myself down or anything, either. So, this time around I will do lighter weight & more reps, targeting a different area of muscles each to achieve a more leaned & toned look. Also adding plenty of cardiovascular & stretching. 

If anyone has good workout suggestions or tips, please do tell!

Monday, August 6, 2012

First day of school

First day of school

Well, today is my first day of classes. I am determined to do well with these classes! I am going to be more busy than I think I ever have been with 2 regular jobs & a weekly side job. It will be hard, but it will be so sooo worth it.

I'm taking online classes this semester while living at home {saving money all around here} & they are separated into 8 week portions so I will take 12 credits {4 classes, 3 credits each} within the semester, but for the first 8 weeks I will be taking Spanish 1 & College 101 {Which is a class the university requires for online students} & the last 8 weeks I will be taking History 101 & English 101. I think it will be kind of nice to do it like that in 8 week portions because I won't get sick of the class. There won't be any time to!