Wednesday, February 29, 2012

red lipstick.

{Leather Jacket: Style4Less, Button down: JC Penny, Jeans: American Eagle, Boots: Wal Mart, Belt: JC Penny Scarf: Gift}
Guys, it's snowing. I did a shoot in the snow. {THANK YOU, AMANDA!} But anywhooo...
Bright red lipstick. Definitely one of the bravest things I'VE ever done! & turns out, I love it! Might definitely be doing it more often (:

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

snapback swag.

{Blazer: 599fashion, Tank/Shirt: Not sure?, Jeans: Hollister, Flats: Rue21, Necklace: American Eagle, Earrings: Zizibeh}

Yesterday I decided to go to my brothers' apartment for the evening to just hang out, while it wasn't exactly eventful, I was just reminded how much I love those two. It was just plain fun. I feel so lucky to have come to school with both of them. AND look! I finally did an outfit shoot! It was really cold, so we only took a couple, but still..

Don't be too threatened by my stank face. ^

Monday, February 27, 2012

This weekend I dressed up like a nerd.

Photo cred.: Mike Eberle
My friend needed a nerd for a photo shoot for his photography class, so I very eagerly accepted to be the model! The shoot was a lot of fun!

I also went bowling this weekend! 

I also went to a party, but there weren't many pictures taken, except these ones:
Hahaha, I love Sarah's face in the right one!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

President's Day Weekend Pt. 2

Hahaha^ ewww
On Monday we went to the San Diego Zoo! My cousins Nico & Ryan wanted to ride the fake camel, it didn't turn out how Nico thought {Hahaha}

& me, Ryan & Nico played with the webcam a bit..
& thennn, Danielle & I went to La Jolla Shores..
Where we also played with the camera...
& we ran into this guy on the side of the road holding this sign that says "Why lie I need a beer" Hahaha
So, that was my weekend. It was so much fun & I can't wait to go back & visit them again!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

President's Day Weekend Pt. 1

This weekend was pretty awesome. I made a very spontaneous decision to drive eight hours by myself to  San Diego to visit some family. It was definitely one of the BEST decisions I have ever made. I had a blast!
I didn't even leave until Sunday morning, so I spent Sunday & Monday there & then left on Tuesday morning. On Sunday, my cousin Danielle & I went to Mission Beach & just walked up & down the coast, lounged around & just enjoyed each other's company {I haven't seen her in a year!}
More about this weekend to come...