Thursday, February 9, 2012

Awkwardness & Awesomeness

•This picture. Hahaha, not new at all {but oh-so very awkward} it's from my accident a year ago {check it out in this post}
•Wondering how long is the right amount of time to wait until you're supposed to text back
•Not knowing where the handle is in your date's car..thanks for pointing that out Dane Cook, now I notice it every time!
•Mine & Randall's "to-go box" incident:
Me- *leaves to-go box in car as we walk to movie theater* "Hey, sorry if the car smells, I left my to-go box in there."
Randall- *looks at me with really wide eyes* "OH! I'm glad you finished that sentence, I thought you stunk up my car for another reason & was being really open with me...."
{Hahahahaha, ew...}
•Woman in Black. Not exactly an 'awkward' movie per say, but definitely not awesome. At least, I didn't like it very much. Huge disappointment.

•Not being sick anymore!
•Skype. I was able to talk to a couple of my best friends the other day that I never get to see anymore!
•Cuddling. Need I say more?
•Bootywork by Tpain. Basically my bum's new favorite thing to bounce to.
•Reminiscing & thinking about things that once made me sad & now make me think "wow, my life is wayy better now!"

Thanks, Syd!

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