Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Weekend.

So, as I'm sitting here avoiding homework {Sshh!} I realized that I never posted anything about last weekend! Well, it started early & for the most part was uneventful. On Thursday, I went to the Imagine Dragons concert in St. George, which was AWESOME! Seriously, such a good show! If you haven't heard of them, you seriously will want to check them out, click here to hear my favorite song by them :)
{I stole this picture from Lorenzo, hehe}

Speaking of Lorenzo, I went to the concert with some of my favorite people from Las Vegas, Lorenzo & Clint! :)

& then on Friday I did absolutely nothing. Which was juuust lovely. On Saturday I didn't do much, but we did go to a wedding reception where they had cute cupcakes!

& on Sunday, me & my parents spent all day watching movies & eating.. {& eating, & eating, & eating}

It was a pretty fun & relaxing weekend, plus it was way fun to see Clint & Lorenzo!
I hope everyone had a good weekend! Here's one of Clint being "sexy" for the road {Ha!}

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