Monday, March 19, 2012


Hiiii (: 
I'm Lisa, the author of Maytwentyfifth. I created this blog to be sort of a journal for life, fashion & anything that inspires me. I named the blog after my birthday, May Twenty-Fifth {in case you were curious}. I'm a student at Southern Utah University in Cedar City, UT. Majoring in English with an emphasis on creative writing & minoring in Communications. I dream about being the editor of a fashion magazine one day.

I really enjoy running this blog & I hope you enjoy reading it! Thanks for stoppin' by! (:


  1. Hi Lisa! Loving your blog:) Looks like you're off to an awesome start. I'll definitely be stopping back by! I hope you'll stop by and check out my blog as well!

    XO Kelley

  2. Thanks, Kelley! I checked out yours & absolutely love it, too!
