Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Break Pt. 5 {Last part, promise!}

After Alyssa & I left Pahrump, we went back to Cedar where I was just planning to kind of repack & then head to my parent's house until Sunday just to hang out & enjoy the rest of break. BUT my dad called me before I left & told me he wanted to go to Arizona to visit my grandma & I could either come with or stay in Cedar. So, I went to Arizona, too! Haha, it was an awesome trip & I'm so happy I went! I didn't realize how long it had been since I'd seen my grandma! So, me, my parents, & my brother Mike went from Friday to Sunday. It was a blast.

Oh, & my grandma is an incredible dancer. Guys, she is 79..look at her go!

Funniest thing of my life. 
I hope everyone had/has an awesome Spring Break! (:

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