Monday, March 5, 2012

some good, some bad

This was the only picture I took this weekend. ^

So, this weekend definitely started out awful. On Thursday, everything was fine: I went to class, I hung out a bit & then I came home. About an hour into just sitting on my bed doing homework & playing on the computer my stomach started to hurt just a little bit & then boom: I have the stomach flu. By far one of the worst cases I've ever experienced. I can't ever remember being that sick & feeling that crappy. It was just terrible. So, I figured out a way to get to St. George so I could make my mom take care of me {ha-ha} & so I could have my own bedroom. It definitely helped. I felt a lot better by Saturday night / Sunday morning.
Both my brothers came down & we had a little family dinner. Then we decided to go see a movie & get some frozen yogurt {hence the picture}. Then we proceeded to talk {& talk, & talk, & talk} until eventually the boys had to leave. I decided to stay one more night & get up earlier & drive back up for class. It was a very interesting weekend that I had, definitely some bad, but definitely some good. (:

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