Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekly Goal 6


But seriously. I wanna kick some booty this week on my finals. I probably will not be posting hardly at all this week due to the fact that it is finals week & I am moving, so I'll be pretty busy, but I'll try to throw in a couple here & there.

Guess what! I get my Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest back next week! :D

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Oh, by the way... Weekly Goal 5


With finals coming up this one is going to be tricky, but I think that it will benefit me more with finals. {& it will get rid of some dark circles ;)}

Mon. √
Tues. √
Wed. √
Thurs. √
Fri. √

Monday, April 23, 2012

On laughing

laugh [laf, lahf] 
verb (used without object) express mirth, pleasure, derision, or nervousness with an audible, vocal expulsion of air from the lungs that can range from a loud burst of sound to a series of quiet chuckles and is usually accompanied by characteristic facial and bodily movements.

I feel like laughing is one of the most important things we can do. Laugh at jokes, laugh at irony, but most of all laugh at yourself. 

So, everyone do me & yourself a favor & be sure to:

Friday, April 20, 2012

3 things

1. This week was extremely productive. Which is always nice. :)
2. Luke Bryan & Eric Church & all those awesome country artists that I used to hate. I'm kind of obsessed with them now. 
3. It's Friday. 'Nuff said. 
{& there is only a week left of school & then it's finals & then we're DONE!}

All of these things make me perrrdy happy. 
Happy Friday!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Del

There is a strange man in the background in each of these pictures. Okay, well he's not strange per say. But he is indeed in the background of all of 'em. Haha
{Leggings: DEB, Cardigan: F21, Tank: Aeropostale, Necklace/Earrings: M's Clothing <---totally awesome store we found}

We went to one of our family's faaavorite spots in the world. The Hotel Del Coronado :)
It's a 124 year old hotel on Coronado Island. It's absolutely gorgeous. Seriously, I could live there & never complain about a single thing for the rest of my life. We have visited & stayed there many times in the past & this year we stayed in San Diego rather than Coronado Island, but we just had to visit The Del. 
I always feel fancy here ;)

We went to Moo Time, a.k.a. the most delicious ice cream place ever {or maybe it has something to do with eating it with my favorite people in my favorite place....maybe} 

I had dark chocolate & banana {nom nom nom!}

It was a super fun weekend & *drumroll, please* this was the last weekend of traveling for  hopefully a long time. Sounds silly, I mean I'm doing all these fun things & going to all these fun places & I'm complaining about it? Yep. I'm wiped out. Completely & totally drained from traveling. I'm pretty sure that combined I've spent like a week driving the past couple months. I'm absolutely thrilled to be staying home this coming weekend. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

When it rains, it pours..well, at least in San Diego it does

{Button down & skirt: F21, Belt & long necklace: Thrifted, Sandals & Earrings : H&M, short 'L' necklace: Ever, Bracelets & watch: Walmart}

I know you can't tell in these pictures, {that's mostly because it hadn't really started yet} but it was absolutely pouring in San Diego on Friday. Seriously, like hurricane status. It was really cold & wet. Everything you'd expect on a vacation to Southern California, yes? {NOT!}
But anyway, these were taken in Old Town San Diego. We were planning to spend a lot more time there to shop & such but, let's get real, besides eating lunch, most of the time there was spent trying to find shelter from the rain. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Weekly Goal 4


I really really really need to start doing this more regularly. I have been getting headaches & I've been cranky. Vitamins & water can most certainly fix this. I've always taken vitamins, but lately I haven't filled up my container hardly ever. So, time to be better about all this.
Mon. √
Tues. √
Wed. √
Thurs. √
Fri. √

Thursday, April 12, 2012


So, I'm sitting in the car on my way to San Diego just bouncing around ideas of how I might pair some of my clothes from the previous post for this weekend. Hmmm...

None of these are the exact items I brought, they're just similar.
SD Outfits 1

Outfit 1: Button down, striped skirt, ballet flats
Outfit 2: Button down, wide legged jeans, wedges
Outfit 3: Tank, white blazer, bermuda jean shorts, sandals
Outfit 4: Maxi skirt, tank, wedges
Outfit 5: Chambray, wide legged jeans, suede jacket, slip-ons
Outfit 6: Gray cardigan, black blazer, striped skirt, ballet flats
Outfit 7: Simple black dress, suede jacket, ballet flats
Outfit 8: Sundress OR beach coverup, gray cardigan, wedges


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Packing List

I'm going to San Diego this weekend {Thursday-Sunday} for vacation with the fam! I'm an insane over-packer, I just always feel like I'll need way more than I actually will. {Or I think I will be changing 3 times a day} So, this is after reducing my luggage amount tremendously. Trust me, it was a lot more before I narrowed it down. Here is what I'm packing & I'm going to try to take pictures each day of what I end up wearing.

p.s. I forgot to take pictures of a couple pairs of sandals, & I figured I didn't need to take pictures of the three pairs of identical black leggings, but I will most certainly be wearing them all. :)

From left to right: F21, F21, H&M, Hollister, Thrifted

: Thrifted, LOFT, F21, American Eagle

: Ever, F21, Thrifted, Thrifted

: JC Penny, Vintage, Heavenly Couture

: Nike, Rue21, Vans, Charlotte Russe

I also brought a couple bathing suits {obviously} & those sandals & leggings I already talked about. So, we'll see if documenting my packing will help not bring so much every time I go somewhere! Haha

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

L.C. summer

L.C. summer

Lauren Conrad is on the cover of Glamour again. Ahh! My favorite magazine & my favorite celebrity! I simply must go get this issue. Like, immediately. 

Oh & summer is coming up! Yayayayayay! Amanda & I just put the deposit on our new apartment & we're so excited to move out of the dorms & into our own place! We'll be moving the weekend of May 5th. :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Weekly Goal 3

Finals are coming up. Need I say more? I should have been doing this all semester, but now I need to really get down to it & work. No more slacking for me!

Mon. √
Tues. √
Wed. √
Thurs. √
Fri. √

Friday, April 6, 2012

Dear You,

"You" being my future husband/boyfriend/whatever.

I know. This is probably kind of an overdone sort of post for girls' blogs, but I've never actually written down any kind of list of what I want in a guy. But I was talking to my mom {quite awhile ago, actually} & she said that it actually is cool to visually see the kind of guy you want in your life & in your future. It feels silly to write it & post it on the internet because I am not anywhere close to looking for a husband or anything, but it might be a fun "exercise" to try, so here goes:

"Dear You,

So, You. Here are some qualities that I feel you either must possess or I would really love for you to possess:
-You've gotta be taller than me. Preferably a lot taller, but as long as you're taller then you'll do. ;)
-You can't be dramatic. I'm not incredibly dramatic myself considering I am a girl {& we're allowed to be!} so, for you to be dramatic would just be plain annoying.
-You should be someone I can be proud of. Someone that when I introduce you to people I want to brag about you & be proud that you're with me.
-I hope you'll be someone who won't argue with me & then stay mad. I'm an extremely forgiving person, so I am okay almost immediately after & if you stay mad for days, hours {minutes, even!} after the argument is over, I can't deal with that.
-I hope that maybe you'll be someone with brown hair & blue eyes.
-You will hopefully be someone who believes in the same things that I do.
-You've got to be someone who doesn't take me seriously, ever. I'm almost never serious. {When I am, you'll know}
-Somebody who understands that I laugh at almost everything. Even things that are not funny at all. I laugh all the time. Don't ask me why every time. Haha {<---see?}
-Someone who, no matter what happens {particularly fights} you will never sleep on the couch. Or leave during or after an argument {this goes along with staying mad}
-Someone who doesn't call me 'babe' or 'baby' <---BIGGEST PET PEEVE. {You can give me cute/funny pet names. That I like. Just please don't call me baby..unless you're joking, then it will be funny & okay}
-You should be somebody that can keep the PDA to a minimum. That stuff makes me uncomfortable. However, I don't mind a little bit so that people can still see that we are indeed together. {I wanna show you off a little bit}

I'm sure there's more & I may add to this list later, but until then. Here you go, husband/boyfriend/whatever.

Love, Lisa"


So there's probably one of the most different kind of posts I've ever written. I hope it's not too weird.
I hope everyone has a good weekend! 
Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Paint Tag

^ This one is super inappropriate, I know, but I have paint on my bum, so I feel like it's okay. 
So, as you can see: we played paint tag. Well, sorta. We started out playing tag & then just ended up throwing all the paint on each other & doing cartwheels. It was kind of awesome. :)