Tuesday, April 17, 2012

When it rains, it pours..well, at least in San Diego it does

{Button down & skirt: F21, Belt & long necklace: Thrifted, Sandals & Earrings : H&M, short 'L' necklace: Ever, Bracelets & watch: Walmart}

I know you can't tell in these pictures, {that's mostly because it hadn't really started yet} but it was absolutely pouring in San Diego on Friday. Seriously, like hurricane status. It was really cold & wet. Everything you'd expect on a vacation to Southern California, yes? {NOT!}
But anyway, these were taken in Old Town San Diego. We were planning to spend a lot more time there to shop & such but, let's get real, besides eating lunch, most of the time there was spent trying to find shelter from the rain. 

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