Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weekly Goal 2


I've always felt it's important to keep a journal {plus, my major is writing, so...} & I just haven't been doing it at all lately. It really is a bummer because someone said in my English class while we were talking about journal writing that stories are lost forever once you die, unless you write them down. Even if you tell someone else the story, it won't ever be the same way you told it, and it's just not at all personal when it's not coming from you. Even if I just write down what I did that day or what thoughts came to me during that day, I want to write something about that day. Also, reading {to me} kind of goes hand in hand with journaling. If it's not too late, I want to try & read a chapter or two of a novel every night. I absolutely love reading & I haven't read a book in SO long because I am supposedly "too busy" so we'll just have to change that, too. :)


Mon. √
Tues. √
Wed. √
Thurs. √
Fri. √

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