Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This is what I wish I wore to school

But, this is what I actually wore to school. 
{Blouse: F21, Jeggings: Heavenly Couture, Bootie w/heel: Charlotte Russe, Boots w/out: Walmart, Necklace: From mom}

It's not bad or anything, I just can't wait until I get over the fear of walking around campus in heels. Whether it's my feet aching all day or me tripping {probably more than once} I just get scared & chicken out. Just about every morning I think "today's the day! I'm going to wear those pumps & I'm gonna work it!" & then I am about to walk out the door & turn around to throw on comfy boots. I'm just pathetic, I know. One day, my friends. One day.

1 comment:

  1. Put the heels on slut! They make your ass look better :)
