Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Packing List

I'm going to San Diego this weekend {Thursday-Sunday} for vacation with the fam! I'm an insane over-packer, I just always feel like I'll need way more than I actually will. {Or I think I will be changing 3 times a day} So, this is after reducing my luggage amount tremendously. Trust me, it was a lot more before I narrowed it down. Here is what I'm packing & I'm going to try to take pictures each day of what I end up wearing.

p.s. I forgot to take pictures of a couple pairs of sandals, & I figured I didn't need to take pictures of the three pairs of identical black leggings, but I will most certainly be wearing them all. :)

From left to right: F21, F21, H&M, Hollister, Thrifted

: Thrifted, LOFT, F21, American Eagle

: Ever, F21, Thrifted, Thrifted

: JC Penny, Vintage, Heavenly Couture

: Nike, Rue21, Vans, Charlotte Russe

I also brought a couple bathing suits {obviously} & those sandals & leggings I already talked about. So, we'll see if documenting my packing will help not bring so much every time I go somewhere! Haha

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