Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Guy Style.

Basically, I love this outfit. I've realized that simpler outfits are my favorite, this one has almost a guy style. I feel like they're more put together & anyone can pull them off. {I really need a gold watch, that would really make this my favorite outfit!} & these pants are so comfortable! Plus, they're this velvet-y material that is so soft, I just love 'em. :)
{Button down: H&M, Pants: Heavenly Couture, Belt: Deb, Shoes: Vans, Chain: From mom, Earrings: H&M}

This weekend I'm going to Anaheim, CA for my high school's dance team's national competition. From what I hear we're going to stop at the beach & spend some time in Downtown Disney/California Adventures. I'm pretty dang pumped! The next few weekends are going to be pretty eventful, so hopefully I can manage to capture some of it on camera to show you!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Weekend.

So, as I'm sitting here avoiding homework {Sshh!} I realized that I never posted anything about last weekend! Well, it started early & for the most part was uneventful. On Thursday, I went to the Imagine Dragons concert in St. George, which was AWESOME! Seriously, such a good show! If you haven't heard of them, you seriously will want to check them out, click here to hear my favorite song by them :)
{I stole this picture from Lorenzo, hehe}

Speaking of Lorenzo, I went to the concert with some of my favorite people from Las Vegas, Lorenzo & Clint! :)

& then on Friday I did absolutely nothing. Which was juuust lovely. On Saturday I didn't do much, but we did go to a wedding reception where they had cute cupcakes!

& on Sunday, me & my parents spent all day watching movies & eating.. {& eating, & eating, & eating}

It was a pretty fun & relaxing weekend, plus it was way fun to see Clint & Lorenzo!
I hope everyone had a good weekend! Here's one of Clint being "sexy" for the road {Ha!}

Just Hanging Out In a Retirement Community

 This is like the third flowy blouse I've bought like this. They're all a little different, but they're the same material & kind of fit the same way. When I bought the first one I was just kind of taking a chance because wasn't like anything I've ever owned before. But they're my three favorite shirts now..Funny how that works. :P
{Bouse: F21, Tank: Aeropostale, Shorts: American Eagle, Wedges: Charlotte Russe, Necklace: Ever}
These pictures were taken at my Grandma's retirement community in Arizona when I visited for Spring Break. I actually had to crop a whole group of senior citizens out of the background of one of them...I just thought it was kinda funny.. haaa

Monday, March 26, 2012

I just need to tell Sara...


This Mustard Yellow Dress..

 I got this mustard yellow dress at the pier on Balboa beach. I've always been a bit sketchy of whether I can pull off the "high-low" kind of skirt, but I just loved this dress, so who cares?
{Dress: Heavenly Couture, Cardigan: F21, Sandals: American Eagle}

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Weekly Goal 1


First of all, it's a grade right now for me to go to the gym. & I've been seriously slacking, so that's a given reason. PLUS, I am getting super out of shape...& summer is coming. So, let's do this! 


Mon. √
Tues. √
Wed. √
Thurs. √
Fri. √ {Kinda. I would definitely count running around Disneyland for hours as a workout ;) }

Weekly Goals

I'm going to start to use my blog in helping myself grow & be an overall better person.
So, I will now be posting "Weekly Goals" every Sunday. They're going to be goals that I want to continue to attain after the week is over, but for that week I will really make it a point to accomplish it & to begin creating the habit. Got it? This will be fun! If anyone has any ideas for goals, words of encouragement, etc. leave them in the comments! I would love to hear from ya!

Wish me luck! :)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Break Pt. 5 {Last part, promise!}

After Alyssa & I left Pahrump, we went back to Cedar where I was just planning to kind of repack & then head to my parent's house until Sunday just to hang out & enjoy the rest of break. BUT my dad called me before I left & told me he wanted to go to Arizona to visit my grandma & I could either come with or stay in Cedar. So, I went to Arizona, too! Haha, it was an awesome trip & I'm so happy I went! I didn't realize how long it had been since I'd seen my grandma! So, me, my parents, & my brother Mike went from Friday to Sunday. It was a blast.

Oh, & my grandma is an incredible dancer. Guys, she is 79..look at her go!

Funniest thing of my life. 
I hope everyone had/has an awesome Spring Break! (:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Break Pt. 4

Another exciting thing that happened over Spring Break was my very first delicious bite of Chick-Fil-A! I've never been before & everyone said that I just had to try it, so we went while we were in California. It was definitely delish. (: Then the next day we headed back to Nevada where Alyssa & I spent the day in Pahrump, we went to the new coffee place that was so good!
We basically devoured it.

^ & Sara had a smoothie.. Haha

To be continued...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Break Pt. 3

On Day 2 in Newport, just us girls went to "Cha for Tea" which I had never heard of but Alyssa insisted that we make a stop there. & I'm definitely glad we did, because it was delicious! & it's a really cool place!
After that, we met up with the boys at the pier & I did some more shopping {hehe} Then after all that, the day was perfect to go lay out on the beach, so that's exactly what Alyssa & I did!

To be continued...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Break Pt. 2

The second stop for my Spring Break was in Newport Beach, California. I went with my roommates, Amanda & Alyssa, along with Amanda's boyfriend, Zach, & his friend, Will. On Day 1 of the trip we went to Fashion Island. And OH MY GOSH, I have found my new favorite place on the planet. We had dinner at Yard House, which explains the tasty food picture at the bottom. (:

To be continued...