Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I'm still feeling super sick, so no outfit shoots.

I have a newly discovered obsession with stripes. Preferably thick horizontal, but any will do really.
I think stripes are perfect...
to decorate with:

& to wear:

& all kinds of other stuff!

{All photos from Pinterest}
Now, don't you just love stripes?!

Monday, January 30, 2012

let me tell you about my best friend

^See that girl? That's my best friend, Mariah. You might recognize her from most of the pictures in this post.
Basically, we've been very best friends since we were in the 6th grade. Neither one of us can remember the details, all we remember is that I liked her handwriting & she liked my pink backpack. boom. best friends.
I can't even begin to explain how much I love her. She has been with me through absolutely everything.
She is the one person that no matter what we're doing, we'll have a good time. {We're kind of hilarious}
She drives me crazy sometimes, & I'm sure I do the same for her. {You're welcome, Mariah.} But I know that it will never make a difference, it's kinda too late now, I mean seven or eight years? We're pretty much stuck with each other at this point. (;
This girl is my favorite & I truly miss her every day.
&yes, she is oh-so magnificent.
Love you, Mee-ry-ree! <3

weekend of the sniffles & a realization

This weekend was a wonderful one. I know it seems weird considering the title, because I was most certainly under the weather. BUT the second I got out of class on Friday, I rushed home, packed up a couple things & scampered off to my car for a weekend visit with my parents in St. George. It was just what the doctor ordered. Basically the entire weekend consisted of laying around watching my favorite movies & sleeping. There was homemade meals & oh what a joy it is to inhale that stuff. Mmmm..

Being sick always makes me feel all sorts of dramatic & so I was thinking about it before I left {like Thursday night} & I was getting really upset about how much has changed in the last 6 months. My entire life is different. My parents moved to St. George, so my house in Pahrump, the one I did most of my growing up in, is gone. Most of my friends, my very best friends throughout high school, are not even my friends anymore. I still talk to maybe 3 of them. & my school. My high school is virtually gone, they built a new building & are completely remodeling the old one. So, the school that I had some of my best teen memories, it's gone now. I can't go back to the school & reminisce the good'ol days {not as easily anyway}. I kind of feel like instead of gently being let out of the door into the real world, I've kinda been shoved out & the door was locked behind me. As I was being dramatic & upset about it, I made the decision to go to St. George the next day. & during my drive I realized something:
I'm much happier now than I was then.
As nice as it is to reminisce & remember the good times, knowing me, I would probably do it too much, & eventually I wouldn't think about anything but how much I miss that place, those people, & these memories. It would overwhelm my new life with my old life. I still have a pinch of sadness for the near to complete loss of my old life & my old ways, but overall I'm extremely happy.
Now I can visit my parents on the weekend with just a 40 minute drive.
Now I can realize who are my real friends & who never really was a friend at all.
Now, now I can grow up.

& I will never, ever forget these memories, but I need to leave them as what they are: memories.
& don't worry, Ali, I'll never forget this EPIC picture: 

I love all of these memories & in some way or another, I really do love all of these people. They have helped me shape myself into who I am today, but now it's time to move on.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Awkward & Awesome Thursday!

{Leather Jacket: Style4Less, Under tank: Aeropostale, Shirt: thrifted, Skirt: F21, Leggings: Deb, Boots: Ruche, Scarf: Rue21, Earrings: H&M}

-These photo shoots. Thank goodness I don't get embarrassed in front of Alyssa, cause we try some weird stuff. 
-The random stranger that kept adding me on Facebook that I kindaaaa recognize, only to find out it was someone sitting behind me at a basketball game. No talking, nothing. But he happened to know my name somehow & decided to add me on Facebook..
-My earrings constantly getting stuck to my scarf..it looks just plain weird to get it out, but looks even more weird to have the scarf dangling from my earlobe.
-Last night at "ab lab", it might have been just me, but I could swear the instructor kept staring at me with death eyes because I would stop occasionally. Kinda freaked me out.
-Finding Amanda's pillow pet stuck in between her mattress & the springs while going under her bed to steal food. 
-When I thought a cute guy was saying "Hey" to me & after I responded with a flirty smile & a "Hey!" I saw that he was actually talking to the girl behind me as he proceeded to greet her with a kiss & grabbed her hand as they both walked away giving me strange looks...
-This moment. {I was sitting on something nasty, so I was throwing it}
-{This one happened a while ago, buuut} driving in snow for the very first time & sliding just the tiniest little bit & literally freaking out while Alyssa laughs at me.

-My boots. I just love 'em. (:
-Waking up late & simply not caring, only to realize that I can get ready in 15 minutes & look decent. & then I was early for class. Yep, that's pretty awesome.
-My eyes in some of these pictures, they look super weird & they actually didn't look like that in real life, but they turned out pretty cool. 
-Buying red lipstick for the first time (:
-The cookies I dipped in hot chocolate the other night. Sooo good!
-Sneaking in an assignment that was due on Monday with the assignment that was due Wednesday, to later find out that I got full credit for both of them. score!
-This version of Here (in your arms) by Hellogoodbye.
-Trying to find room in my closet / drawers for more clothes. I have a lot of clothes, my friends, a lot. & I think that's awesome. (:

Thank you, Sydney!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

6 things

{Cardigan: American Eagle, Button down: Hollister, Jeans: Aeropostale, Shoes: Amazon, Necklace: Thrifted}

1. I had an extremely lazy day yesterday, with absolutely no excuse. I just really, really didn't want to get up very often. Ahh well.
2. I don't even remember the last time I parted my hair on the side. I did it for these pictures though!
3. I'm obsessed with this chunky necklace I got forever ago & have hardly ever worn {I don't know why!} But my brother thought it looked silly with this outfit. Oh well. It sparkles, so I say it goes with anything. 
4. Trying to break in those shoes yesterday was not fun. Hello, blisters. It's extremely unpleasant to meet you.
5. I've been listening to classical music all day. Weird, huh? I think so. 
6. I can't believe it's only Wednesday! Blehh. 

This post seems kinda negative. Sorry about that. I guess I'm just grumpy. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

it's getting cold

{Coat: Billabong, Button down: Hollister, Sweater: H&M, Jeans: American Eagle, Boots: Ruche}

After a couple weeks of it being practically spring weather {in January!}, it's finally starting to get pretty cold. It was a cloudy Monday & decided to snow on & off all day.

On the bright side, I am finally starting to use my camera the way I intended! {thanks to Alyssa} I'm gonna try these "outfit shoots" out for size. You'd think my first day of it I would have picked a bit snazzier outfit, huh? Oh well. This one will do. (:

Monday, January 23, 2012

this weekend

There was snow.

There was Winger's.

There was a basketball game {that we didn't really watch..}

There was a party, where we danced. A lot. (;

There were barbecue-ers with goggles. {Ha-ha}

There were naps.

There were victories.

There was football at the park.

& there were dogs to play with.

Yep. I'd say it was a pretty good weekend. (: