Monday, January 30, 2012

let me tell you about my best friend

^See that girl? That's my best friend, Mariah. You might recognize her from most of the pictures in this post.
Basically, we've been very best friends since we were in the 6th grade. Neither one of us can remember the details, all we remember is that I liked her handwriting & she liked my pink backpack. boom. best friends.
I can't even begin to explain how much I love her. She has been with me through absolutely everything.
She is the one person that no matter what we're doing, we'll have a good time. {We're kind of hilarious}
She drives me crazy sometimes, & I'm sure I do the same for her. {You're welcome, Mariah.} But I know that it will never make a difference, it's kinda too late now, I mean seven or eight years? We're pretty much stuck with each other at this point. (;
This girl is my favorite & I truly miss her every day.
&yes, she is oh-so magnificent.
Love you, Mee-ry-ree! <3


  1. I think she smells funny and possibly has genital warts. But that's why you're best friends, you look past those minor flaws.
