Wednesday, January 11, 2012

new semester

So, the new semester has begun & it's definitely different. Waking up early is such a new thing for me considering my earliest class last semester was at noon {& it wasn't even every day} I'm beginning to get used to it & I'm beginning to LOVE it! I am totally finished with class by 11am, it's just maauu-vo-lous {british accent. anyone, anyone?} I was really surprised with how excited I am about my nutrition class. I hate science. {almost as much as I hate math. that is a lot of hate, people!} but, my nutrition class seems oh so very interesting & my teacher is a hoot.

& As some of you may know, I have to take math again this semester {bleh}, but my teacher is super funny & looks just like Mr. Weasly from Harry Potter, the resemblance is almost creepy. So, hopefully that will help make it a bit less miserable. Right now it's all review & easy beezy stuff, but soon it will definitely be tutor-needed material. Can't wait to start digging into that {not}.

But overall, this semester is starting out great & I'm really excited about it. (:

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