Wednesday, January 4, 2012

the stink.

This morning had been a pretty good morning. I woke up just ready for the day, ya know? I got up & fixed myself up this fancy fruit smoothie & was about to go on a run on the trails in the housing development my parents house is in. So, I finished up my smoothie, slid on my running shoes & stepped out the door...only to realize that I couldn't breathe. The smell. It smelled so so SO bad! I think somebody dumped out the entire sewer on the road while I was sleeping. I'm not exaggerating this one bit, folks. It seriously was a horrendous stench that I can't explain past what I already have.

So, I quietly & discretely backed up back into the house {as if the running gods were watching me, ashamed that I would give up a good run just because of the stink} But don't worry, my friends. I have escaped. I am safe from the terrible, terrible smell........for now.

{Oh, & I got the photo from here}

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